
HubOne introduces Launch, a product pitch for startups

Hub One, an innovation hub owned by FCMB is introducing Launch, an event aimed at helping startups to pre-launch and connect their product with an audience of the technical and non-technical users (i.e: end users).

HubOne introduces Launch, a product pitch for startups
Source : HubOne

Hub One, an innovation hub owned by First City Monument Bank (FCMB) is introducing Launch, an event aimed at helping startups to pre-launch and connect their product with an audience of the technical and non-technical users (i.e: end users).  

For the debut event coming up on June 24, 2022, at Yaba, Lagos "we will host the ultimate product launch for startups, where Startup founders will connect with an audience of investors, technical and non-technical individuals who will review their products or apps and give quality feedback on their products before their general release." Leadspace by Passion Incubator [managers of Hub One] told via email.

Numerous obstacles may cause a startup to fail but the chief of these could be a lack of product-market fit.

The session will be contributing to refining the products of these startups by providing them with consumer-side feedback. Three startups—Keble, Twinku and —will beta-launch their products during the event. The session is open to the general public but with limited seats available, book your seat.

Epic Hour: How startups can leverage digital media for growth
Benjamin Dada shares insights on how startups can leverage social media for growth at the February edition of Hub One’s Epic Hour.

Startup Benefits and Incentives to the founder

  • Opportunity to gain the first 20 real users with no marketing
  • Access to a pool of volunteers (entrepreneurs, investors and general tech ecosystem community members) for free.
  • Access to valuable market feedback and insights.

What will attendees benefit?

  • Opportunity to test amazing products and give feedback that will be implemented
  • Opportunity to connect with other ecosystem players and investors
  • Opportunity to win prizes e.g. HubOne merch etc
  • Opportunity to join Hub One community at discounted prices

Meanwhile, startups can register to pitch at the next Launch session by using this link. The event is a partnership between Aidi Africa, Devcareer and

Find more details about the event via the flyer below:

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